Poverty in Michigan

Michigan Community Action’s Vision
Economic opportunity and stability for all.
The Challenge
More than 60 percent of Americans will experience poverty at some point in their lives. Community Action is there when people need help.
Michigan's poverty rate increased in 49 out 83 counties in 2022, and is the 13th highest poverty rate in the nation. Many residents, including those with children, continue to grapple with poverty. (Site)
MCA advocates for policies, programs and the resources that help people get out of poverty and become economically self-sufficient.
Poverty weakens families and increases health risks, driving up social and medical costs for everyone. Poverty traps individuals in their current circumstances and decreases upward mobility, undermining the American Dream and devastating communities. The effects of poverty are particularly damaging for children. Children who live in families below the poverty line are at greater risk of lower educational attainment, reliance on public benefits and incarceration – all of which limits the growth and prosperity of Michigan.
Join us in advocating for policies, programs and resources to fight poverty in Michigan.